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Marina News

July 08.01.2024

New outdoor ashtrays

Unfortunately, visitors to the harbor still carelessly throw away their cigarette butts. Did you know that up to 4000 harmful substances can be found in a cigarette butt? A single cigarette butt with its mix of toxins can contaminate between 40 and 60 liters of water, accelerate the death of fish and have a negative impact on plant growth.
Please dispose of cigarette butts in our ashtray and we will take care of the rest.


July 05.01.2024

Our insect hotels

We have installed the first 4 insect hotels to provide wild bees and insects in the harbor with a new habitat and food. The floating plant islands with plants such as purple loosestrife and cattail serve as a food source for them.

We would like to thank the companies Asahi Kasei and ONWATER for their support.


January 05.01.2024

Rescue the Rhine at the Boot 2024

You are cordially invited to visit our stand in Hall 11 H 23 from Sat. 20 Jan. 2024 - Sun. 28 Jan. 2024. Together with Pflanzinseln Niederrhein, we will present our measures for greening the water areas in the Medienhafen.

We would like to thank Messe Düsseldorf for their support.


September 18.09.2023

ew: The Asai Kasei plant islands in the Vacation Club

Floating plants provide shade, form a natural retreat for fish and other aquatic animals, and remove phosphates, nitrates and other environmental toxins from the water.

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September 10.09.2023

New: The floating plant islands in the Medienhafen

In the search for optimal shading of the water, we have now entered into a cooperation with the young company "Pflanzinseln Niederrhein". These plant islands are a beautiful and clever product with which we can stop evaporation quickly and inexpensively and at the same time clear the Rhine water of excessive toxins. Water-purifying plants grow on floating stones, which have been proven to improve water quality by acting as a plant purification system or pond filter thanks to their hanging roots with a large surface area. 1 square meter of island surface forms more than 100 square meters of root surface!

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September 01.09.2023

New: Underwater ventilation via "Smart Bubbles"

To improve the water quality and activate the anaerobic soil milieu, the marina is using underwater aerators (Smart Bubbles) for the first time. A total of 6 aerators have been used so far. This is because the outside temperatures have reached the 30 degree mark again this year. At a water temperature of 24 degrees, the oxygen content for the fish drops dramatically.

June 24.06.2023

Mercury Experience Days. 17.-18.6.2023

We would like to thank the company Mercury and all participating boat dealers for this fantastic event. 2000 participants experienced the first professional onwater boat show in the Media Harbor with test drives on the Rhine.

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April 29.04.2023

The new kitchen container for the event platform is transported professional on the water. As a video!

April 18.04.2023

Campaign: "Rescue the Rhine 3"

Marina develops first floating garden to combat blue-green algae (toxic cyanobacteria) Further information on the individual projects can be found here.


April 18.04.2023

Campaign: "Rescue the Rhine 2"

The marina continues its commitment to shading the water through sustainable greening.

We thank Hanns Josef and Marion Bolten from Düsseldorf for the first sponsorship of our floating apple tree.

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April 18.04.2023

Campaign: "Rescue the Rhine N°1"

With our floating garden made of recycled plastic (HDPE), we start greening and shading the water. The plants form a natural competitor to blue-green algae (cyano bacteria) and offer fish and waterfowl a protected habitat.

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March 27.03.2023

Our traditional ship the "Voorwaarts" was taken to a shipyard in Duisburg for a refit. There the ship will be overhauled for the new season.

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January 01.01.2023

The Marina Düsseldorf and the ONWATER Habour Team wish you a happy new year.


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November 12.11.2022

Expansion of wind energy
As part of our transformation of the marina into a "green and self-sufficient leisure facility", we have commissioned the first Savonius wind turbine. Starting in 2023, we will invest more in wind power, solar energy and storage. We believe that in the foreseeable future we will be able to convert smaller boats up to 7 meters to electric power. Be curious.


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November 07.11.2022

New freight elevator is in operation
Lugging around gas cans and beverage crates is now a thing of the past. With our innovative freight elevator we now carry up to 250 KG fast and comfortable. Please register with the ONWATER port team if you would like to carry something.

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October 30.10.2022

Our Marina Autumn Festival
We ended the 2022 season in great weather with a nice atmosphere. Besides original wines and homemade chili con carne and cheese spatzen, everyone had a lot of fun. Each guest received a Marina polo shirt as a small gift. We will continue the spring and fall festival with changing themes and activities for 2023. First and foremost for us is the responsible use of water and resources. More on this in the new year.

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August 19.08.2022

Dramatic low tide. We are at a historic low and are feeling the effects of climate change more than clearly. Guest traffic has collapsed completely. We recommend that you only drive on the Rhine with an angled drive and strictly in the middle of the lane.


Questions about the water level will be happy to answer them ONWATER port team.

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July 28.07.2022

This Harding lifeboat accompanied a large freighter on the seven seas for years. When it was decommissioned, the boat made its way from Bangladesh to Amsterdam, where it was converted into a team boat for a luxury fashion label. We took it over in 2022 and revised it again. You can ship under the new name NEGRONI. Celebrate wonderfully in the harbor with up to 20 people.


Further information can be obtained from ONWATER port team

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July 10.07.2022

Our harbor festival was a complete success and everyone had a good time and felt good. Many thanks for the lively participation.


A very special thanks also to Paolo Antonio, the owner of the restaurant "Franks Harbor" in the Win Win Towers in the Media Harbour. He sponsored two very tasty Italian pasta dishes.

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April 20.04.2022

From mid-June you can rent an original Harding lifeboat from us. the "MEEUW" is a classic with space for 20 people, equipped with a long table and a cool box, it is ideal for smaller celebrations. This ship also runs on environmentally friendly synthetic CARE diesel and causes 90% less harmful emissions.

The ship is firmly anchored to the small platform on the A Steiger. From there you have a magnificent view over the Media Harbour.

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April 15.04.2022

The marina is preparing for the new season.Ships are repaired and cleaned, theFlags that have suffered from the winter stormsare exchanged and the harbor basin mustso and so always "kept in shape".


A harbor launch becomes environmentally friendly with a state-of-the-art diesel engineconverted and will soon be driving with us CARE Diesel.

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