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Tips for environmentally conscious water sports

Avoid driving at full throttle

Because that costs a lot of money in view of the fuel prices and produces unnecessary CO2. Optimum trim and load distribution help your ship glide even at half throttle.

Let yourself drift downstream

The Rhine is a powerful body of water that flows down the valley at 7-9 km/h. It is ideal to use the powerful and natural energy of the Rhine by simply letting yourself drift. Enjoy the silence and the passing scenery.

Enjoy a break in the port

The marina has 2 own charter ships where you can cook, grill and relax. A short trip to a nearby secluded beach for a barbecue and relaxation also helps to reduce your own CO2 footprint.

Avoid rubbish & collect rubbish

Even if you land on the beach, you have the opportunity to actively protect the environment by collecting garbage. Also, be respectful of nature and animals.

Avoid toxic antifouling

For decades, algae growth has been combated with toxic underwater paints. A very effective, but very harmful method. We recommend the use of harmless ultrasound for steel yachts:

For GRP ships:

Our new boat lift

We have installed a 4-ton boat lift with a washing box directly at the marina building, which provides filtered Rhine water via a high-pressure cleaner. Wash sustainably with Rhine water and organic cleaning agents. Incidentally, without any limescale stains.

Remove plastic

Unfortunately, the Media Harbor is heavily polluted with plastic and other rubbish. You can become active yourself at any time. You will find landing nets along the main jetty. You too can protect the Rhine and our sea creatures from plastic.

Keep the water clean
Please do not fill up your super petrol with the funnel, but only with a shaker hose. Also avoid an unclean bilge, which can very easily trigger an oil alarm during automatic pump down.

Do not discharge feces in port

That is forbidden. Please book an appointment at our extraction system or use the in-house toilets.

CARE Diesel with 90% less

harmful substances

From now on you can bunker Neste Renewable Diesel with us by pre-order. The synthetic diesel is approved by almost all engine manufacturers. It can be mixed with normal diesel without any problems.
We would be happy to advise you.

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